What Do You Look for in a 3PL Provider? | R&S Logistics
Do you know what to look for in a logistics provider? R&S Logistics is proud to be a creative and dynamic third-party logistics (3PL) agency with solutions to all of your needs. Logistic services refers to all aspects of the management of moving your resources. It may include transportation, warehousing, distribution, biomass services and much more.
Read on for some of the things you should look for in your logistics agency:
A full service partnership.
Most 3PLs consider themselves to be an “outsource service provider.” R&S Logistics is different because we have developed a 3PL “partnership company.” We routinely go the extra mile to serve all of your logistics needs. What does that mean for you? Your problems are our problems. With an R&S partnership, you get to forget about your logistical concerns because we’re your team!
Proven delivery.
Let’s face it. When you’re counting on a 3PL to deliver your resources, accurate and effective delivery is a must-have. Our experience and technology makes this expectation a reality every time. R&S Logistics offers such incredible service that our dependable end-to-end supply chain solution is our proven benchmark.
Top technology.
Reliable and effective logistics service is vital. That means you need a 3PL that utilizes the very best technology available. R&S Logistics is proud to offer our customers the very best platform. That’s why we use Microsoft Dynamics NAV–it’s an easy to use and cost-effective global enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution for your small to medium-sized business needs.
We love working with Dynamics NAV for its flexible development environment and quick implementation options that support a business’s growth trajectory. At the same time you get financial transparency, with streamlined supply chain, manufacturing, and operational needs. This platform can operate on-premise and migrate to the Cloud, and support multifaceted business needs–such as multi-company, multi-currency or multi-language enterprises.
Dedicated to you.
Logistics matter and your success matters. You need a 3PL that is dedicated to your business. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in–if needed, we will obtain the necessary certification to work with you! Dealing in biomass resources? No problem. We work with any company and truly care about those needs as if they were our own.
Would you like to learn more about our 3PL solutions? We’d love to connect with you. Visit our website today to request your free quote.